Teachers & Staff of Sekolah Rendah Pengkalan Batu
Teachers & Staff of Sekolah Rendah Pengkalan Batu
Cepatnya masa berlalu pergi..
Bulan Ramadhan tiba lagi...
Syukur kerana dipertemukan lagi dengan bulan yang mulia ini...
Salam ramadhan buat semua...
Semoga ramadhan kali ini membawa seribu keberkatan dalam hidup kita semua...
Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa.
Aktiviti Senaman
Aktiviti Mewarna untuk Murid Rendah Bawah
Aktiviti Melukis untuk Murid Rendah Atas
Majlis Perpisahan untuk Teaching Assistant, Norizah Hj. Rasid
- fast breathing or trouble breathing
- bluish skin color
- not drinking enough fluids
- very sleepy or lethargic
- in babies, being so irritable they don't want to be held
- fever with a rash
- flu-like symptoms improve, then return with fever and a worse cough
If you think your child has the flu, call your doctor — particularly if you live in any of the states that have reported swine flu outbreaks. To help track a possible epidemic, doctors and scientists can find out if someone has swine flu by taking a swab sample from the person's nose and throat and sending it to a lab to be analyzed. Doctors won't know the results of this test for a few days.
Currently, no medicine is specifically developed to prevent or treat this new strain of swine flu, but it does appear that some of the antiviral medicines used to treat common seasonal flu may ease symptoms and shorten the duration of illness.
Kids without chronic health conditions usually tolerate infection with flu viruses fairly well. But if your child does have a chronic condition, like asthma, make sure to check with your doctor to help ensure the condition is under control.
Likewise, if you're pregnant and come down with flu symptoms or have been exposed to someone who has the flu, see a doctor right away.
You may need to take antiviral medications as a precaution for yourself and your baby.
These at-home tips can help most otherwise healthy kids cope with the flu:
- drink lots of fluids to prevent dehydration
- get plenty of sleep and take it easy
- take acetaminophen or ibuprofen to relieve fever and aches (but do not give aspirin unless your doctor instructs you to do so)
- wear layers, since the flu often makes them cold one minute and hot the next (wearing layers — like a T-shirt, sweatshirt, and robe — makes it easy to add or subtract clothes as needed)
Remember to call a doctor if your child seems to get better but then feels worse, develops a high fever, has any trouble breathing, or seems confused.
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